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Practical Guide For Your Journey Towards A Plant-Based Diet

Writer's picture: Efsevios KontopoulosEfsevios Kontopoulos

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Turning vegetarian or vegan is much more than just a trend or a diet. It may not be as simple as just removing a few things from your diet, but it's much easier than you might imagine. Turning towards a plant-based diet and lifestyle can be greatly beneficial for your overall health as well as the wellbeing of the planet.

Holistic Nutrition

Just over 11 years ago, I woke up one morning and decided that I didn't want to eat meat anymore. A couple of months later, I had my last meal with fish, and nearly a month after that, I watched Cowspiracy, which is highly recommended by the way, and decided I wanted to quit dairy as well.

Each time I decided to make a change, I spent days researching online and in books about what the average human needs in terms of vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc. With every thing I removed from my diet, I would try to introduce something new, and by paying attention to how my body reacted, I managed to create a diet that not only made me feel good emotionally but also kept my body fit and healthy.

Here I offer a practical guide to a plant-based diet based on my own research and beliefs. It presents an overview of the basic nutrients that the average human needs and where to find them, as well as a few brief recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

By no means does this guide represent the full spectrum of a well-balanced and healthy diet.

The two most important factors of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle are:

  1. Constant research into what is truly healthy and beneficial to your health.

  2. Listening and paying very close attention to what your body needs and how it reacts


Veggies: spinach, kale, peas, mushrooms, sprouts, asparagus, and corn.

Fruit: dried apricots, raisins, dates, raspberries, currants, and grapefruit.

Legumes: Lupin, soya beans, tempeh, mung beans, lentils, and split peas


Veggies: artichokes, peas, okra, brussel sprouts, turnips, and squash

Fruit: berries, avocados, coconuts, and figs.

Legumes: Black beans, chickpeas, lentils.


Calcium: Kale, broccoli, bok choy, okra, and watercress.

Iron: tomatoes, chard, collard greens, prunes, oatmeal, brown rice, lima beans, and tofu.

Phosphorus: chickpeas, mung beans, yellow beans, quinoa, oats

Zinc: oranges, tofu, tempeh

Iodine: lettuce (most types), aubergines, courgettes.


Omega-3 and -6: chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and spirulina

B12: B-12 is produced within the gut microbiome but can be found in seaweed, nori, and spirulina

Vitamin D: sunlight, oranges, and mushrooms

In general, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and soaked nuts are great sources of pretty much everything you need.

Quick & Easy Recipes


2 slices of toast (ideally GF) with mixed nut or peanut butter, sliced banana and cinnamon , plus a cup of ginger lemon tea.

Granola or other sugar-free cereal with the plant-based milk of your choice.

A handful of nuts, some fresh fruit, and/or fresh orange juice.

Coconut, frozen mango, flaxseeds and oat smoothie

Overnight Oats with a cup of your favourite tea


Mixed legume salad with corn, red pepper, fresh herbs, sesame seeds, chili flakes and a ginger, lime, orange, olive oil dressing

Baked Sweet Potatoes with crunchy chickpeas

Roasted beetroots. Sprinkle with favorite spices (salt, pepper, and olive oil), close separately in tin foil, and roast at 200°C for 45 minutes or so.

Roasted pumpkin and coconut soup

Mixed green leafy salad with chickpeas, orange segments, apples, and flaxseeds. Tahini, orange, lemon, coriander, olive oil dressing; sprinkle with crushed walnuts and almonds.


Cooked wild greens or chards with salt, lemon, and olive oil

Seasonal roasted vegetables marinated in cumin, coriander, pepper, and olive oil with a tahini, orange, lemon, and fresh coriander dressing

Boiled broccoli, cauliflower, or courgettes served with lemon salt and olive oil


Vegan protein bars or balls

Nuts, dried fruits and dates

Fresh fruits and vegetables

To get the most out of your food, I believe it is critical to eat local, seasonal, and organic vegetables whenever possible. It is much healthier and safer, as well as environmentally more sustainable, to purchase and consume fresh goods from local, organic farmers' markets.

Love, Light & Joy,


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